Remaster of the 2011 debut album "Heretoir" + exclusive bonustracks.
Black vinyl double LP with inlay.
Heretoir's selftitled debut-album "Heretoir" deals with the topic of loss: A protagonist loses a beloved person and goes through different emotional and psychological phases in order to cope with it. Accordingly, the lyrics reflect the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist and give an insight into the fine line between sorrow, hate and hope, while the cover art of Fursy Teyssier (Les Discrets, Amesoeurs) and the album artwork of Metastazis (worked for Alcest, Anathema, Antaeus, Enthroned, Forgotten Woods, Gorgoroth, Taake, Immolation, Secrets of the Moon, Warner Bros.) perfectly complement the atmosphere of the album. The album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Eklatanz during 2010-2011.